This highly interactive and fun day take carers through some of the typical activities and experiences of an older person in a residential care setting. Delegates on the course will get to experience how problems with mobility, sight, hearing can impact on a person, and how staff’s interaction with older people can have a negative or positive impact.
This one day course is designed and delivered to inspire good, safe practice and to provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to administer medication safely. The course reflects the standards from SfC knowledge sets, CQC and College of Pharmacy Practice. In order to pass gain a certificate delegates are required to pass both a theory and practical assessment.
This one day course includes guidance from both Ofsted and the Department for Education around the management and administration of medication within a childcare or educational setting. The course can be adapted to included organisational specific policy and practice and will provide staff with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. In order to pass gain a certificate delegates are required to pass both a theory and practical assessment.
This short course is aimed at anyone working directly with patients/clients in a health and social care environment. It will help support workers recognise the causes and routes of infection and what actions they can take to reduce the risk of infection.
This course aims to help understand what Dementia actually is, what the different types are and how it affects the person we care for. The course will help students to empathise with their service users and understand the disease process from the person with dementias view point as well as that of the carer.
In addition, the 6 hour course will then look at helping the delegates to promote a therapeutic atmosphere that will engage the person being cared for and how to make them feel more involved in their everyday life.
A highly interactive course, this one day that is a follow on from the Dementia Awareness, which aims to build on the knowledge and skills of the carer, to look at how different activities that can be used to promote a more person centred approach to caring for people with dementia.
This short 3 hour course is designed to give care workers an understanding of the condition and to dispel myths that are commonly held surrounding this problem. It is designed to help give them confidence in dealing with a seizure and most importantly to have knowledge of the signs they must look out for before (triggers), during and after a seizure.
The course will look at the importance of completing diaries and how observation made by staff can help assist in correct diagnosis and prescription of appropriate medication. Using real life case studies covering the common types of epilepsy, staff will get a real understanding of what it is like for people who have lived with the condition for many years
Written in line with the Safeguarding Adults National Framework of Standards (ADSS publication 2005), the ‘No Secrets’ document and Chapter 14 of the Care Act 2014, this course is designed to give participants an overview of safeguarding issues and be able to respond to issues within their own workplace with regard to adult abuse and protection.
The course aims to raise awareness of the types of abuse which occur and how to intervene to protect all adults who are potentially or actually at risk of abuse.
This 1 day course provides a thorough understanding of abuse and neglect, how to recognise it and how to report it in a health or social care setting including the main forms of abuse, signs and indications to abuse, children rights and how to appropriately respond to suspicion or allegations of abuse.
This one day course aims to provide the learner with a general understanding the mental capacity act and & deprivation of liberty safeguards including an overview current legislation and guidelines, how assessments of capacity are carried out and the best interest principle, rights of the service users, advanced decisions deprivation of liberty assessments.
This one day course is designed to provide both new and existing staff with the knowledge and understanding of what autism is, the different conditions associated with Autism and the impact of autism on the individual. It also aims to provide some simple advice and guidance on how to support a person with autism in everyday life.
This training course is designed and delivered to inspire good and safe practice where any member of staff is involved in the moving and handling of people. Candidates will cover the legal issues, including the role of risk assessment, lifestyle applications and basic back care to make them aware of the risks involved when moving and handling people.
This will be followed with a practical session on the safe use of equipment used by the organisation, where all participants will be activity encouraged to take part, practice skills and demonstrate knowledge.